This is Your Moment. Seize It.

You are in invited to join the Impact Generation.

Our mission is to identify and develop people and businesses of impact. We only want to mentor a specific type of entrepreneur.

You are a good fit if you have these qualities:

    1. You have a message, craft or expertise that you want to share more widely – Your desire is to monetize your craft to an online audience that values your expertise.

    2. You think of your work as a craft – The work you do is more than a hobby or way to make money.  Your work is how you create meaning for yourself and others.  It is how you create work that matters.

    3. Your aim is to delight a passionate audience – You are not after mass appeal.  Your goal is to stake out a corner of the digital universe where you can ply your trade and delight people who appreciate your knowledge.

    4. Your desire is to make an impact in your corner of the digital universe – You have an idea, message, or craft and you want to make a difference in a context that matters to you.

As I unpack this manifesto, you’ll see how these ideas work together to communicate a different way of marketing and a more inspiring way to build an online business.

Click to read the manifesto => (Manifesto). You can also subscribe below to receive a weekly newsletter to help you build an Impact Business.

And make sure to download the Substack App for a great reading experience on the go or while you are waiting in line.

6 thoughts on “A Manifesto for the Impact Generation”

  1. This is an intriguing idea. I think you’ve captured the necessary mindset for solopreneurs in the start-small approach. We must create value in the world, especially on the internet, and live first-hand instead of through others. I agree that humans have unique skills and perspectives to attract an audience. 

    I help people create wealth, good health, good fortune, and success using spiritual strategies like mindfulness, meditation, affirmations, and accessing true nature. But unlike you, I’m pushing for a much bigger portion of the digital world because I know everyone has a true nature and spiritual inclinations. I’m not talking about religion, btw. My mission is to make the internet a wonderful, ethical, and edifying place in the future, as it could be our main way of ‘doing business’ with wars and pandemics escalating. 

    So, I’m intrigued to know if your approach to creating an elite (sovereign) digital kingdom is deliberate. Or are you just suggesting that people start small? And how exactly do you guide people to 5-DVision and realise they can create a whole universe? Do you have a bigger mission which you are not divulging?

    I like your manifesto and the exchange of reading it for an email sign-up. Some people need an extra push. I am also considering creating a membership requirement for my sites. 

    Let’s continue with this discussion. I’d like to know more.

    • Thank you for your well thought out comments.  

      I do have a deliberate strategy for building out a full-scale business.  The manifesto was the anchor post to set my philosophy of marketing.  But in future newsletters, I will break down the different components.  

      If you go to the Substack, I’ve now published articles on a signature solution and a selling system.  I’m getting ready to add Tech Tuesdays to the newsletter, which will be more step-by-step for completing one task: converting followers to subscribers, writing a killer email, etc. 

      While you are correct that EVERYONE can benefit from your offer, the reasons for niching down are many:

      1) Your messaging will have way more emotion. It’s the difference between a clear signal and noise. 

      – Want more creativity in your life? vs
      – Hey musicians, want more creativity in your life?

      2) You can start to build systems and expertise around a group of people, which means you might be able to charge more later on.  Think brain surgeon vs. general practitioner. 

      3) Once you have dialed in a good offer to one group, you can expand to related or similar groups.

      Let’s keep chatting. Feel free to touch base directly.  

  2. Hey there! This call to join the Impact Generation resonates with a refreshing perspective on entrepreneurship. The emphasis on being a sovereign creator immediately caught my attention – it’s a powerful notion that speaks to the essence of genuine passion and purpose. The idea of thinking of one’s work as a craft, not just a means of making money, aligns with a more meaningful approach to business – to which not all people can relate. It’s about creating something that matters and inspires, transcending the conventional notions of entrepreneurship.

    • Stephanie, 

      Thanks for stopping by and for your comment. I’m curious, what is your niche, and what do you offer?

  3. Hey, I just checked out your post and your site as a whole and liked the idea of impacting a smaller group more deeply rather than just going big. 

    Do you think this can make a stronger impact in the long run? I feel this could really change how we connect online.

    It is very interesting to see a move from the typical large scale business approach to a more intimate and friendly/meaningful one.

    Great read, thank you

    • Chris, thanks for your comments.  Three things:

      A “smaller group” on the Internet can be quite large in numbers.  5 billion people are on social media now. 

      The reasons for going smaller are many: You can attract a more passionate group of people.  Your messaging can hit more emotion.  You get to choose who you work with.  

      Finally, once you’ve dialed in a group and an offer, you can always expand to a similar group, so you can grow as large as you like.


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